Love is Mysterious

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Love is Complicatedlolo

By Annmarie

I have been away for two years when I had a steady relationship with Joshua. He was in Wewak and I was in Madang. We communicated on the phone, through texting, phone call and Facebook.

It was really challenging for both of us to gain the trust needed from each other.  We communicated on the phone during the weekends only .

My life was boring and not really enjoyable, I turned to miss him most of the time. When seeing other couples in Divine Word University  enjoying each other’s company, I used to wish that Joshua was here. However, it was impossible.

Most of the time we argued, he usually got mad when I did not text or replied to his messages or called him. When I tried to explain, he would say all my reasons where full of shits.Even though we had each other’s face book password but it is still not enough I still don’t trust him and so does he.

On the 16 of September 2016, Joshua told me he was going to break up because and I didn’t know if he was telling the truth or not. I didn’t know the reason but he wanted to break up so I said it was okay for me.

So yep the feeling of being far away and breaking up with the one person ,that I thought I’ll  spend the rest of my life with, was really heart breaking. I went blank I couldn’t accept the fact that Joshua broke up with me.

I cried for two nights and I let go of him, I deleted his  phone number and I changed my password on Facebook and I changed my sim card as well but I didn’t block him on face book.

To cut the story short, after 2 weeks he called me and said,

“No Lolo I can’t break up with you, I love you so much and I can’t lie to my heart”

I accepted him again and we continued the relationship. And the year ended peacefully without any argument.

However when I came back to school this year, Joshua’s attitude went from bad to worst. He suspected me for every guy that inbox or liked my photos on Facebook.

He accused me for cheating which I never did. I have been faithful while away in school but he didn’t respect that. He went into my Facebook account and viewed my messages with my friends.

He swore them using my account. This relationship really fucked up my life. I was mad, worried and even confused. I really missed him every minute of every single day.

It was also difficult for me to stay without even seeing him for almost a year. I missed him every single day of my life even though he had a bad attitude.

.  However, Joshua and I broke up and this is now the third week of not communicating with him.  But I do love and care for him.

Any ways,I now have realized that  long distance relationship is not good because  you will face up with so many arguments but you will not have enough time to face each other and fix the problems.

At this stage of becoming an adult,it’s better to have someone close to you than far away.


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Love and Distance

By Anonymous

This is a short poem about how two teenagers managed to still be in a long-distance relationship


He spoke with passion and enthusiastic

His voice so deep that it triggered all her attention

For every word that came out of his mouth was just fantastic

This made her life a reality

They somehow got connected through laughter in a flash

And he announced he was in love on the 14th Jan



Her emotions were mixed up for she wasn’t expecting it

But he spilled out what was inside of him

He asked for her opinion about it

And she told him it wouldn’t work out

He insist she thought about it more carefully

And all she gave him was successfully


His love for her was more than anything she could imagine

At first, she doubted it because she was still scared

He then made her realize she was wrong

With a glimpse of an eye, like a deer without a father

He became part of her life

For nothing was hard when it came to both of them


Communication was all they depended on

For faith and trust brought them this far

He asked for her trust and she gave him all in return

She asked for his and he gave in as quickly as a flash

Calling and texting was part of their lives

This brought them together after some long months



Distant relationship made them realize that

It wasn’t a mistake to be far from each other

For when she saw him the first time after so long

He reminded her that they made it through

And she thanked God for such a person like him

To be part of her life


Long Distance Relationships

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Enough is never enough when it comes to LOVE

By Lisa Jiap


I am 23 years old and have been in a long-distance relationship for almost two years. It has been a beautiful journey despite some bumpy roads. If I had to choose, it would be to have this moment in life again with Justin.

Not everyone knows the efforts put into a long-distance relationship. The toughest moments occur when both parties go through a series of fights and can’t physically meet each other to find a silver lining. In my two years relationship with Justin I can say that every day is the best day. Yes, we argue and fight but that’s the beauty of loving someone more than the best novel (if you’re a bookworm like me).

When you love someone so much, you may not even realize it but your personalities, ego and pride begin to unite, but the process is long and challenging. The idea to compromise for you both may seem insane but with more time spent on each other, it becomes acceptable. There are so many factors that may determine my relationship but I’d have to say that there are four things I value; God, Honesty, Trust & Communication.

Long -Distance Relationship

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Love Has No Boundaries

By Anonymous

Hans Owa standing in front of the ship he is currently working with

“I tell myself every single day that everything is going to be fine. Every night before I sleep I think of her and the distance that is keeping us apart and God knows what she’s doing.”Every day is not the same since the day he has been out in the open sea. It’s been five months away from his girlfriend.
He said life has been really challenging and tough for him at the new environment.
He said most times Digicel network connection became a hindrance to communication.

“Sometimes the mobile network really breaks me down “he said.

Hans Owa is a 21-year-old cadet officer from Western Highlands province. He is a Marine Mechanical Engineer with Youth with a Mission (YWAM)shipping company. It has been months  since he has being away from his girlfriend who lives in Madang Province.

He travels to other provinces in the country excluding Madang.

He said being away from his girlfriend is one of the hardest situations that he has to-overcome every day in his life-especially when he travels to locations  that does not have the-mobile network connections.

Hans said he realized now that been in a distance relationships  is very hard but said if you really love someone and want to spend the rest of your life with them, the distance between you and your lover should not matter.

He said sometimes he gets scared that the girlfriend might cheat on him but one of the factors that makes him stronger each day is the trust he has earned from her.

He said as long as there is trust, there is no need to be afraid of anything.

frtHans said deciding to be in long distance relationship is depression and a headache at most times but the important thing is that ,you get to build trust and understanding between each other.
However he said from his experience,some of the important characters that an individual person in a long distance relationship would look for is to be faithful and honest with each other.

He said when this happens,both sides learn to build trust and the relationship lasts longer.

“Stap Strong”     Hans Owa